Bournemouth Beach Lodges

By James|April 17, 2019Arch Viz, Projects|

Above is CGI photomontage I created for Cuco Creative Ltd. back before Christmas 2018. They commissioned it for their client, Bournemouth Council, to help promote the addition of nine brand new lodges to their existing fleet of fifteen. These lodges offer visitors the chance to stay overnight right on the beach, with uninterrupted sea views. The lodges have all the mod-cons that you might expect, including space for up to four adults and two children, wi-fi and shower room etc.

With fifteen of the lodges already existing, the client was keen to show the extent of the whole site and it’s proximity to the beach. It made sense to create the CGI as a photo montage; using a photographic background to form the basis of the image. However being winter when the project was commissioned, and construction work on-going with the lodges and dunes behind, meant getting a single suitable photo was going to be difficult.

Instead, we decided to work the other way around: Build the entire site in 3D with help of supplied reference photos. Then fill in the gaps of landscape around the images with more supplied photography, and library images.

First it was important to agree in prinicpal the camera angle, so I roughly mocked up a 3D model of the site, and produced the draft image above for the clients approval.

With this approved it was a case of me working from the supplied CAD drawings of the existing and proposed lodges and reference photos to model as much of the site as possible.

With this done and approved, I moved on to filling in around the computer generated elements with photography.

This involved stitching and combining multiple photos and library images together to create both the background and foreground…

…and then further post editing was required to add in the computer generated hut and lodge elements…

…to create the final image below.

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