Mount Street, Mayfair, London

By James|October 15, 2018Arch Viz, Projects|

I was commissioned to produce this marketing CGI for the renovation of 27 Mount Street in Mayfair, London.

Following architectural drawings of the new frontage and plans of the retail space behind, combined with supplied reference images of other high-end clothes shops. I created a virtual 3d model of the new elements. This was then lit and textured to match the supplied photograph of the existing unit.

As you can see from the photograph (above, right), construction work had already started so some of the existing detailed pillars, and railings either side of the windows were hidden by the site hoarding.

Through a combination of other supplied reference photography and 3d modelling I was able to recreate these missing elements and seamlessly blend the CGI and photographic elements.

In addition to the 3d people already added and rendered inside the new CGI shop model. Library photographic figures were added, in post, on the pavement outside, to complete the photomontage computer generated image.

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